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GarageBand 4 Hints Volume, 002.

Hints included are,

  1. Setting levels.
  2. Recording your iChat audio with GarageBand.
  3. Punch-in.
  4. Changing Tempo, signature and key after you have begun your GarageBand project.

1. Setting levels

We will be talking about a real instrument track, in other words a track where you might use a microphone, which has more controls than a software instrument track, in some respects.

First of all, you want to make sure that show track info is on in the tracks menu. If it is on you will hear, hide track info in the tracks menu. You can also turn this function on and off with Command-i. This will allow you to see much of your track information.

Next, as you VO keys-right arrow, you will find a button. Make sure that it says, Show all button. If it says, GarageBand button, or, my settings button, press VO keys spacebar on this button and arrow up, or, down until it says show all and check it with VO keys-spacebar. This is necessary, because some information will not show up in one of the other 2 settings.

Still moving to the right, just to the right of repeat is the level control, interact with the slider to set your level then stop interacting with the level slider. You can determine your level by using a headset and turning on monitor by selecting the button which will only appear when you are using a real instrument track.

At this point you will want to move to the right a few more times to Automatic Level Control and check it. This will keep your level from going above the level you have set. As a matter of fact, if you move back to the slider it will say 100 percent.

2. Recording your iChat audio with GarageBand

Here is what I did to make this work,

First of all, open a new project in GarageBand, then a new track, selecting the real instrument button.

Then go to iChat and make sure that all of the folks you want in your chat are there.

Back to GarageBand and press R to record.

Voiceover will ask you if you are sure that you want to record this chat and give the names of all of those who are included in the chat. Tab to yes, press enter and that's it.

Each one of the persons in your chat will be recorded on a separate track.

And yes, it will work with the latest GarageBand and the latest iChat.

3. A word or two about punch-in. Punch-in is done when you need to record over a part of a track that you have already recorded.

GarageBand allows you to move around in a song just as you would with a cassette player, or, an old analog tape transport
First of all, make sure that you are in the correct track, by pressing s to sample your track, press s again to go back to full song. Each one of your tracks should be named. Select your tracks in the scroll area, this is where the track information is located, by pressing up arrow for a higher track and down arrow for a lower track and VO keys-right arrow to the right to check the name. Go to the part of the track that you want to record over, just before the place that you want to record over, press record and then start your song at that point. Don't forget to lock your track when your finished with l.

4. Changing, Tempo, signature and key, after you have begun your GarageBand project.

First of all, make sure that your track info is showing, command-i to toggle on and off, or from the tracks menu.

Next, VO keys-right arrow to the master track button and select it with Vokeys-spacebar.

Now, VO keys-right arrow, until you hear tempo, then you can begin to change these parameters to your liking.

Be sure to recheck the button to the left of the master track button when you have finished. The name of the button will depend on whether you are using a software instrument track, or, a real instrument track.

Keith Reedy wa9dro@gmail.com


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