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Instructions for Rolling Back to Itunes 10.3

Many of us VoiceOver users have recently upgraded to Itunes 10.4, which came out on 07/20/2011. Upon doing so, many of us found that VoiceOver and Itunes did not play well, resulting in many "Busy," messages, and an inability to navigate the Itunes screens well.

I usually strongly advise folks to keep their system software current, even if it involves some adjustment of technique to achieve accessibility. However, in the case of Itunes 10.4, I found it necessary to restore Itunes 10.3 in order to regain access to my extensive music and audio book collection. While I have every confidence that Apple will soon resolve this issue, if you would like to restore the previous resin of Itunes, here are the steps to do so:

•1) Open Time Machine (or whatever other backing-up program you are using) and locate the most recent backup of your hard drive. In the Applications folder should be an app called "Itunes 10.3," or whatever the last version you upgraded to was.
•2) Copy this app to the pasteboard and, navigating to the applications folder on your internal hard drive, paste it there. You will need to press the "replace," button.
•3) Now navigate to the Music folder on your internal hard drive's home partition. In it, there are two folders: Garage Band, and Itunes. In the Itunes folder, you will find another folder called "Previous Itunes Libraries." Within this folder, there will be a file with a name that looks like, "Itunes Library 2011-07-20.itl."
•4) The date of your file may vary, but, after locating the most recent version of this file, change its file name by removing the date. The file you end up with will be called "Previous Itunes Library.itl."
•5) Copy this file to the pasteboard, then navigate to the Itunes" folder and paste it in; again, you are replacing a file that already exists there, so you will have to press the "replace," button."
•6) Relaunch Itunes. This should restore all your settings and the music library pointers back to their previous configuration.

As always, I urge that Itunes be brought up to date as soon as this problem is addressed.


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