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Voiceover Keyboard Commands


VoiceOver Keyboard Commands

This VoiceOver command guide is divided into three levels. Some keys can be press repeatedly to give more information about that item. The commands are listed from upper right to lower left as based on a standard Apple keyboard.

First-Level VoiceOver commands. Press Control-Option with the designated key

esc     Cancel mode (Esc key is at the extreme upper left of the keyboard.)
F1     Application summery, second press generates a menu of applications
F2     Window summery, a second press generates a menu of windows of the current application.
F3     VoiceOver cursor
F4     Keyboard focus
F5     Mouse focus, a second press give the physical location of the mouse
F6     Selection description
F7     VoiceOver menu
F8     VoiceOver Utility program
F10     Tile visuals
F11     Hide/Show visuals

`     Move Window, use the arrow key to move the window. To end press the esc key
1      go to bookmark

tab      Pass through
W      Read word, spell word, ham radio spelling
R      Row in table
T      Text attributes
U     URL list
I     Item list
P     Read paragraph
[     Back in VoiceOver history
]      Forward in VoiceOver history
\     Open/Close a disclosure triangle

A     Read contents of VoiceOver cursor
S     Read sentence
D     Dock
H     Help, read the current help tag, second key press will give a list of command.
J     Jump to linked item
K     Keyboard practice, let you practice what keys will do and where they are.
L     Read line
;     Control-Option lock, as it you were holding down the Control-Option keys

Z      Repeat last output
C     Read character, second key press read as ham radio letters
V     Verbosity mode, use the up and down arrow key to ajust verbosity. Esc key to exit verbosity mode
M     Menu bar, first press enter the main menu, second key press to go tot eh status menu items, third time to go to the spotlight menu.

up arrow     Previous line
left arrow     Previous word
down arrow     Next line
right arrow     Next word

Second-Level VoiceOver Commands. Press Control-Options-Shift with the designated key

F2     Move window to front
F3      Cursor tracking on/off
F4      Move voiceOver to keyboard
F5     Move VoiceOver to mouse
F10      Caption panel resize
F11     Screen curtain on/off, simulation of a blind user by turning off the screen

~     Resize screen, use the arrow key to resize, press esc key to stop resizing screen
1     Set bookmark

W     Read visible window
{     Shrink VoiceOver cursor
}      Magnify VoiceOver cursor
|     Sort column

S     Scrolling
D     Desktop

Z     Save VoiceOver output to file on the desktop
C     Read column
M     Contextual menu at the current VoiceOver cursor
?     VoiceOver help

spacebar     Mouse click
up arrow     Stop interacting
left arrow     Previous character
down arrow     Start interacting
right arrow     Next character

Third-Level VoiceOver Commands. Press the Control-Option-Command with the designated key

F2     Close window
F4      Move keyboard to VoiceOver cursor
F5     Move mouse to VoiceOver cursor

[     Decrease caption panel font size
]     Increase caption panel font size

M     Next frame in website

spaceband     Multiple selection
up arrow     Increase speech volume, rate, and speed
down arrow     Decrease speech volume, rate, and speed
left arrow     Change to volume, rate , speed
right arrow     Change to volume, rate , speed



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